Friday, July 12, 2024

Thomas D. Klingenstein: Only Trump Can Beat the Regime’s Lies By Glenn Ellmers

By Glenn Ellmers

In a rally following the Biden-Trump presidential debate last week, Jill Biden famously and patronizingly gave her husband this backhanded compliment: "Joe, you did such a great job; you answered every question."

She spoke in the same tone she might use to praise him for eating his prunes. As the president stood there grinning with childlike satisfaction, Mrs. (sorry, Doctor!) Biden turned to the audience and asked, "What did Trump do?" In good Pavlovian fashion, she and crowd shouted in unison, "Lie!"

This ritual calling out of the right for "lying" is a favorite obsession of the left. Trump is despised for rejecting the new morality of wokeness, yet by attacking him for his alleged misconduct in sexual and business matters, he's held to the standards of the old morality—which evidently apply only to him. The same trick is at work with regard to lying. Educated liberals long ago abandoned the idea of permanent standards of truth and morality, derived from God or nature. Yet Trump is uniquely held to a standard of truthfulness that, in private, intellectuals dismiss as naïve and outmoded.

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