Friday, July 12, 2024

American Decency: 7-12-2024

A Betrayal of the Unborn

The Republican Party has long been a defender of the inherent right to life of the unborn, yet the GOP is now taking steps to betray not only those pro-life convictions and the pro-life voters who put them in office, but more importantly, betray the unborn. This week the Republican Party released its new platform which guts the pro-life principles on which the GOP has stood for decades.

Gone is the language affirming that the inalienable right to life comes God and that the unborn have a fundamental right to life. Also stripped from the platform is the commitment to pass federal pro-life legislation, including support for a human life amendment, which has been in the platform for 40 years.

As Republican politicians seek to appeal to pro-abortion voters by watering down their pro-life principles, they're in great danger of losing millions of loyal voters.