Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Quick to jump on the paranoia bandwagon, Katie Couric interviewed New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the CBS evening news and finally got him to say that the would-be bomber was likely “homegrown.” Then Bloomberg added, “somebody with a political agenda [who] doesn’t like the health care bill or something.”

Sixty percent of Americans have peacefully opposed socialized medicine, but liberals like Couric and Bloomberg were ready to think one of them wanted to blow up New Yorkers rather than think it was an Islamist from the “religion of peace.”

I have no doubt that more than one lefty in Washington and elsewhere was hoping, wishing, praying that the bomber was a Limbaugh-listening, Sunday school teacher with a Sarah Palin bumper sticker who went to Tea Party rallies. The same people who constantly warn us that we can’t blame Islam for a few hundred million radicals in their ranks are ready to indict the whole conservative movement if only they can come up with an extremist to pin on us.

By the way, is the Obama Administration still planning to put the GITMO jihadists on trial in New York City? I doubt it. The failed jihadist plot in Times Square probably put the final nail in that coffin."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families