Friday, December 11, 2009

Obamacare = Death Panels - What is your life worth to them?

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, has another fact about the health care disaster pushed by Harry Reid.

A Fact a Day Keeps the Rationing Away...

While both Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) refuse to even consider tort reform as a way to lower health care costs for consumers, they are looking elsewhere for ways to save. That includes a provision that would allow insurance companies to place annual limits on the dollar value of medical care, as long as those limits are not "unreasonable." The definition of "unreasonable" will be left up to federal government bureaucrats. This rationing provision was added into Sen. Reid's current version of health care overhaul and would be shouldered by anyone dealing with costly illnesses such as cancer or diabetes.