Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quote of the Day

"The enraptured global warming radicals at the Copenhagen conference rewarded Chavez with a standing ovation for his anti-freedom diatribe, telling us everything we need to know about the modern radical environmental movement headed by Al Gore.

If you have any doubt that many global warming extremists are self-proclaimed communists and socialists - CLICK HERE for an AFP video showing these extremists marching through the streets of Copenhagen.

President Obama had an opportunity to stand up and defend the economic freedoms of our great nation, which have made America the greatest and most prosperous on earth.

Instead, he chose to pander to his adoring supporters abroad, saying: "America will fulfill the commitments that we have made: cutting our emissions in the range of 17 percent by 2020, and by more than 80 percent by 2050 in line with final legislation."

Clearly, President Obama wants to join these radicals in signing a binding international treaty that will bring cap-and-trade-style energy taxes and energy rationing to our nation."

Tim Phillips