Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SPRW Meeting Monday November 8th 6:30 PM

WHO: Walt Longyear, pioneer of conservatism, former Vice President of Leadership Institute, owner of scenic Fairlea Farm Bed & Breakfast

WHEN: Monday November 8th 6:30 to 8:30 PM.

WHERE: Welcome to Sarah Palin Republican Women's Meeting at Open Door Baptist Church 754 Germanna HWY (Rt. 3 near Rt. 29) Culpeper, VA 22701- front entrance.

WHAT: Please bring finger foods if able, meet & greet at 6:30 PM. 7 PM Meeting ends 8:30 PM. Bring your questions. Families welcome.

Walt Longyear
Former Vice President

Walt Longyear is a true pioneer of conservative fundraising techniques. He has over 40 years of experience as an activist, and devoted 33 of those years to raising money for conservative Republican candidates, organizations and ministries, much of that with his partner Richard Viguerie (Conservative HQ). Walt later served as Vice President for Development of the Leadership Institute, America's premier training ground for conservative leaders.

Walt has a background in conservatism, with ideas for winning elections and motivating activism to offer from his experience and will speak on what is in his heart in importance! He and his wife Susan have a gift of hospitality, an area where we all can learn something to bless others. They own Fairlea Farm, a working sheep and cattle farm near the center of the historic Rappahannock village Little Washington.