Sign up by Friday, September 29th to go on a bus tour to the Christmas White House.
The tour will take place on Monday, December 18th, 8:00 A.M. but information by participants must be submitted immediately to the White House. Please contact Ginny Pegelow, (540) 923-4085, gandp@hughes.net or Anne Farmer, (540) 923-4109, with the following information if you plan to attend:
- FIRST and LAST NAME: Must exactly match those on the government-issued photo ID that each person would bring to the White House tour.
- MIDDLE INITIAL: One letter only. If there is no middle name, please enter NMN instead.
- DATE OF BIRTH: Must be in this format – M/D/YYYY.
- SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Leave blank if they are not a citizen.
- CITIZEN: Enter Y if they are a citizen of the United States. Enter N if they are not. If they are not a citizen, they will be required to present a valid foreign passport at the White House.
- COUNTRY: Refers to their country of birth. Please enter the two-letter code that corresponds with the country. The code for America is US. For other countries, please see the attached PDF of country codes.
- GENDER: Please enter either M or F.
- CITY and STATE: The person's city and state of residence. These must exactly match the city and state listed on the government-issued photo ID.
Each individual attending the tour must bring a government ID.
Phones are allowed, yet purses are not allowed.
Absolute latest sign up date is Saturday, September 30th.
Cost: $60 per person, and includes a meal to follow the tour. Seating is limited.
Sponsored by Madison County Republican Women.