MCRW will host a
Board of Supervisors Candidate Forum
Tuesday, September 19th
6:30 - 8:30 PM.
Incumbents Clay Jackson and Kevin McGhee will be joined by
Michael Mosko, Jr., Kimberly A. Pumphrey and Amber D. Foster
who are also vying for one of the three seats up for election on the board.
The menu features a variety of savory pasta dishes
with side dishes and desserts by our members. Dinner: $8.
Location: Madison Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall,
1236 Fishback Road, Rt. 722 at the north traffic light.
Everyone is invited to attend this informative meeting.
For more information, please call (540) 923-4109.
Note: Delegate Bob Marshall was unable to attend as a Guest Speaker. This is a complete change of our agenda.
Saturday, November 11th
Award winning actress and Smithsonian scholar Mary Ann Jung will return to Madison to portray Red Cross Angel Clara Barton on November 11th, 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. Plan to join us for an afternoon of tea, fun and a dynamic performance. Sign up with MCRW Treasurer Ginny Pegelow at our September 19th meeting or call (540) 923-4085,
Note: This was incorrectly listed in the newsletter as November 12th

Join MCRW for a
White House Christmas Tour
on December 7th or December 14th (final date to be determined)
Sign up at our September 19th meeting
or contact MCRW Treasurer Ginny Pegelow, (540) 923-4085,
Cost: $60 per person, Dutch Treat meal to follow the tour
Seating is limited. Priority seating for MCRW members.