Tuesday - May 14, 2019

Exposing Democrats' Marxist/Socialist/Communist Ties
Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Pete Buttigieg - Socialists or Communists?
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A newly formed group of activists - STAND Against Communism - led by Bishop E.W. Jackson will hold a press conference on Monday, May 20th at the National Press Club at 10 a.m. to present evidence of prominent Democrats' Marxist and communist connections that the mainstream media are ignoring or covering up.
"The mainstream news outlets refused to investigate and expose Barack Obama's connections to Louis Farrakhan, weather ground member Bill Ayes and admitted communist Frank Marshall Davis. Now they are covering up the extremist politics of leading Democrats including some presidential contenders," said E.W. Jackson, Sr. who is heading the group. "We need to remove the mask of liberalism and progressivism and expose the anti-American ideology which lurks beneath."
The group will reveal research on Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Pete Buttigeig, Elizabeth Warren and others. Three of the presenters have written books about Democrats strong ties to Communism: Trevor Loudon, Jerome Corsi and Diana West. The reseach continues, and says Bishop Jackson, "Many people will be shocked by to learn that Democrats' lurch to the extreme left is not by accident but by design."
Speakers include: Bishop Jackson, Pastor, author and former candidate for Lt. Governorand U.S. Senator in Virginia.
Trevor Loudon, author of "Barack Obama and the Enemies Within" and "The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress";
Diana West, author of "The Red Thread" and "American Betrayal";
Jerome Corsi, author of "Dr. Corsi Investigates: Why the Democratic Party Has Gone Communist";
Robert Knight, journalist, author of A Nation Worth Fighting for: 10 Steps to Restore Freedom;
Nelson Velez, Chairman, Virginia Tea Party Federation, Business Owner and escapee from Fidel Castro's Communist Cuba.
The press conference will be held at 10 AM in the Zenger Room, 13th Floor at the National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC.
Future plans of the group will also be announced. "We intend to make sure American voters know exactly who and what they are getting in every candidate," says Jackson. "This is ultimately not about Party, but about liberty versus state control."