May Speaker is Senator Reeves
Our club will welcome Senator Bryce Reeves as guest speaker on Wednesday, May 22nd at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse beginning at 11:30 am. Senator Reeves is running for reelection to the Virginia Senate.
He will give us a report of the legislation that passed this last session as well as the legislation that was vetoed by the Governor. He will also tell us about the bills he carried and his work on several committees and boards. Bring a friend or neighbor to hear what Senator Reeves has accomplished while in office.
The luncheon menu is a Dockside Salad (Sliced Chicken, Strawberries, Ruby Red grapefruit, Avocado, Red Onion, & Sliced Almonds atop a bed of Spinach), Rolls & Butter, Vanilla Ice Cream with a Sugar Cookie and Beverage.
If you have special dietary restrictions, please indicate that with a note when you send in your check for the meal at the meetings.
Make reservations today by calling Toni at 972-0295 or email: jtruther@verison.net , then send a check for $21.00 to SARWC, PO Box 803, Locust Grove, VA 22508.
Be sure to mark your calendar—Delegate Nick Freitas will be the featured speaker at the WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th picnic on the Clubhouse deck.