Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Patriotism vs. Critical Race Theory
By Gary Bauer
Serious people around the world see what's on the horizon. Everything coming out of communist China shows a society, which has an ethnic minority in concentration camps, that is supremely confident.
Its youth are on fire with patriotism. (Here and here.) Communist China has no problem teaching its children "China First," and they believe the future belongs to them.
And while patriotism in China is surging, it's dying here in America. Younger generations of Americans have been fed a steady diet of anti-American history. They have been indoctrinated to believe that their country is evil, founded on genocide and slavery. As a result, our younger generation is the least patriotic in history.
But it gets worse. As we reported yesterday, the Pentagon is now scrutinizing the social media posts of active-duty personnel and potential recruits for "extremism." As we know, the left has a very broad definition of extremism.
Believing in traditional marriage or that there are only two genders is extremism. "Make America Great Again" and "America First" were blasted as examples of racism and extremism. After all, the left insists that America was never great.
Even our military academies are buying into the left's woke ideology. Critical race theory is being taught at West Point. So, while we're training our future officers and leaders, we're telling them their country is systemically racist.
How exactly do you encourage young military officers to lead their men into battle for one of the most racist nation's on earth, most likely against a nation whose youth are on fire to die for their country? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how that conflict will end.