Sunday, July 25, 2021

CCRC: 2020 Election Resolution

CCRC passes Resolution at its Regular meeting demanding the Virginia General Assembly order a full forensic investigation of the Virginia 2020 General Election.


WHEREAS free and fair elections are essential to preserving our commonwealth, our republic, and the many God-given liberties we enjoy. And,
WHEREAS voting is the fundamental right of all citizens. And,
WHEREAS millions of Virginians have serious doubts about the accuracy of the 2020 General Election. And,
WHEREAS discounting or mocking their concerns is neither an answer nor proper in this constitutional republic. And,
WHEREAS a forensic investigation of Virginia election results and processes for the 2020 General Election will go a long way to restore trust in our system.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Virginia General Assembly will order a full forensic investigation of the Virginia 2020 General Election.
Ratified this 22nd day of July, 2021, by the Culpeper County Republican Committee.

Marshall Keene
Chairman Culpeper Republican Party