
The Tebow bill passes the House! A bill I chief co-patroned with chief patron Delegate Marie March just passed the House and is headed to the Senate. This bill will allow homeschooled students to play public school sports.
- HB 59 Repeals House Bill 257 (Predator Protection Act). This bill was rolled into HB4 and passed the floor 59-40. Now headed to the senate.
- HB 60 Economic development authority; Town of Louisa may appoint from 5 to 7 members to serve. This bill passed the floor 99-0. Now headed to the senate.
- HB 108 Felony homicide; certain drug offenses, penalties. Passed full courts committee 10-8.
- HB 187 Voter registration; requires a voter ID to vote.
- HB 358 Veteran-owned small businesses; waiving of fees. This bill passed the House 97-0 and is headed to the senate.
- HB 977 This bill eliminates CRT in the classroom.
- HB 1128 Reduces taxes on military retirement pay. 02/11/22 House: Reported from Appropriations (17-Y 0-N)