Sunday, February 5, 2023

From Delegate Phillip Scott

Weekly Newsletter
Edition LXXIV
Friends, the fourth week of session has come to an end.
We are getting ready for crossover, when all House bills will head over to the Senate and Senate bills come to the house.
HB1871- This bill will extend Concealed Handgun Permits from 5 to 10 years. I would love for Virginia to adopt constitutional carry. HB1871 would be a step in that direction. It passed out of committee on party lines and picked up a Democrat vote.
HB1866- This would automatically reinstate ABC licenses suspended due to a health code violation. This bill will not fix the many issues with ABC, but it is a start. It passed out of committee on party lines. It does not change the structure of ABC. It does not take away the power of the ABC board. However, I will be looking at ways to address those problems of our state government in the future. All it does is create a mechanism that as long as an ABC license is not suspended due to an ABC violation but suspended solely related to a health department suspension, it will automatically be reinstated. Still, Democrats oppose this bill. However, we did pick up a Democrat vote on this bill too.
HB1869- This bill addresses the numerous boards and commissions created each year by the General Assembly. It is a way to keep the size of government in check and stay accountable for how tax dollars are spent.
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This week, I had the honor of meeting and praying with a large group that was in Richmond for the Virginia March for Life on Wednesday, February 1.
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Legislation Corner

On Friday, the House passed HJR 510. This resolution designates March as Trisomy Awareness Month. The resolution is below. My daughter Brianna has Trisomy 18.
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