Sunday, July 30, 2023

You're invited! AFP National Speaker Event | Thursday Aug 3rd | "Selling Freedom Without a Fight"

You're invited to attend an exclusive AFP presentation coming up Thursday, August 3rd in Charlottesville!  Featuring AFP National Speaker Adam Masters.  He's traveling here from Oklahoma to deliver a new presentation that has been in demand from grassroots citizens across America. 


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AFP Virginia Exclusive Presentation!

"How to Sell Freedom without a Fight"

Thursday, August 3rd @ 6:30pm

AFP Charlottesville Office

375 Greenbrier Drive, Suite 102, Charlottesville


This empowering training program is designed to help you navigate the hyper-partisan era we live in, enabling you to share the principles and causes of liberty and freedom with your loved ones and community, without engaging in unnecessary conflicts.  A comprehensive six-step process to effectively communicate your passionate message. 


Complimentary light refreshments and beverages provided by AFP


Please let us know you are attending. RSVP today!  Contact Flint @ or call/text (540)226-4591.