Monday, October 7, 2024

Brownstone Institute: Where Free Speech Lives

N. Ireland's Totalitarian Public Health Bill By Hugh McCarthy. The N. Ireland Department of Health is seeking control of all of us by introducing totalitarian legislation governing your premises, your property, and your documents plus forced vaccinations and forced medical examinations.

China Enters the Economic Doom-Loop By Peter St Onge. China's ruling Politburo held an emergency economic meeting and decided to crank up the money printers to 11, pumping money to consumers, to banks, to property developers, basically to anybody who might spend it.

Don't Let the 'Infaux Thugs' Close Down Debate By Daniel Klein. Today's censors wield cudgels with the word 'information.' Content they don't like they call 'misinformation' or 'disinformation.' The justification is fake. Pretending to protect people from bad information by means of censorship may be called infaux thuggery.

Policy Imperatives for Health Freedom By Leslie Manookian. In order to create a society based on true health freedom, the following policy shifts should be implemented, as a first step. These proposals would address some of the most glaring, pernicious anti-liberty and anti-health aspects of our system.

The FOIA Lady Pleads the Fifth By Maryanne Demasi. A public records officer at the NIH is at the centre of a scandal involving FOIA requests. Subpoenaed emails belonging to a former advisor to Fauci revealed that someone had taught him to avoid emails being captured by FOIA requests.

John Kerry and the Circuitous Assault on Free Speech By Brownstone Institute. Mere words cannot restrain our aspiring censors from weaponizing their power to silence dissent. Enemies of the First Amendment vow to "hammer it out of existence," as John Kerry explained this week, and they are prepared to circumvent legal protections.

Western Civilization Declaration By Philipp Bagus and Michael Esfeld. With the following Western Civilization Declaration, our intention is to make a strong case in the public for the foundations of our civilization still being an appropriate guide for the future of humanity.

The "Financial Coup" That Seized America By Peter St Onge. In the wake of the 2008 Financial Crisis, former chief economist of the IMF Simon Johnson warned that the same dysfunctional policies he saw in his basketcase banana republics had taken hold in the United States.

Study Confirms the Truth about Masks and Children By Ian Miller. A new study co-authored by Tracy Beth Høeg delves into the side effects of masking, a subject ignored by experts and politicians desperate to exert control over individual behavior. It's obvious why their research will be ignored by the media.

Migration, Assimilation, and the Limits of Compassion By David Barnhizer. Neither Europe nor the United States can admit all who want to come or support those who manage to infiltrate the nations unlawfully. European and North American nations cannot absorb the large-scale and growing immigration numbers.

The Carbon Alarmists Are Silent about This By Eric Hussey. If carbon dioxide production by evil humans is the culprit, we should be hearing about new data showing 1) reduced CO2 during lockdown and 2) a flattening or direction change of "climate change" temperature curves.

Political Renewal, Intellectual Revival By Bert Olivier. Indications of a renewed political sense abound. What seems to have been a dormant political awareness is being revived. Not only the intellectual activities under the auspices of Brownstone Institute testify to this; the growth of 'patriotic' activities is significant.

Psychological Bioterrorism By Robert Malone. Psychological Bioterrorism is the use of fear about a disease by governments and other organizations, such as Big Pharma, to manipulate individuals, populations, and governments. Although fear of infectious disease is an obvious example, it is not the only one.

New Hate Speech Laws Scrapped in Ireland By David Thunder. The Irish Government announced that it is scrapping its plans to introduce significant updates to Ireland's existing hate speech laws, as there is not enough support for the proposed legislation. It gained notoriety when it came under fire from Elon Musk.