Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quote of the Day

"After promising to ban "special interests" from his recovery plan, the new administration just handed his party's keys--and $2 billion of your tax dollars--to groups like ACORN, the liberals' get-out-the-vote powerhouses. The move is one of many political payoffs in the liberal swag bag known as the stimulus bill. Unfortunately for conservatives, it will go a long way toward creating the permanent liberal majority in Congress.

Unlike the old days, when ACORN had to go through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for its share of the federal pie, the stimulus bypasses the middleman and wires the money directly to the group--without the typical lobbying restrictions it might experience under HUD. To an unsuspecting American, these "Neighborhood Stabilization Programs" sound like perfectly legitimate ways to jump start the economy. To those of us who have watched entities like ACORN, it's an outrageous abuse of taxpayer dollars."

Tony Perkins
Family Research Council Action