Monday, April 22, 2024

Gary Bauer

America Last

As you know, the House of Representatives approved another $60 billion for Ukraine this weekend. A majority of House Republicans voted against the bill. Kudos to them. They kept their promise to not vote for additional money to secure Ukraine's borders unless the Democrats agreed to really secure America's border.

The country is split on whether we should continue giving more money to Ukraine. But the polling is clear. When you ask voters whether additional funding for Ukraine should be approved without securing America's border, the answer is a resounding "NO!"

The other thing that really irritated me was the behavior of House "progs." After the bill passed, they pulled out Ukrainian flags and waved them on the House floor. Were they elected to represent Ukraine or the United States?

This is the same party whose supporters say they are frightened when they see people flying American flags. (Here and here.) 

The world is upside-down.