Friday, April 26, 2024

Gary Bauer: What A Sight

What A Sight


I'll get to more profound issues in a moment. But I want to describe what you would have seen this morning if you were standing at the corner of 48th Street and Park Avenue in Manhattan.

Hundreds of construction workers and other New Yorkers had gathered there to see Donald Trump. They were chanting, "USA! USA!" as Trump greeted them, signed autographs, and took pictures.

Scenes like this mini Trump rally in Manhattan must scare the heck out of the left, which is doing everything it can to demonize and destroy Donald Trump. It is also a demonstration of loyalty that the GOP establishment could only dream of and will never understand.

I can think of only one other president in recent memory who generated the same respect among the American people. His name was Ronald Reagan, and he was a populist conservative, too.