Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Yes! We Are a Republic: Get Out & Vote

By Ponch K. McPhee

Socialists in Washington and elsewhere continue to rear their head and shake their fist and shout we are a democracy. Never has there been a more ridiculous statement regarding this nation's identity.  The more openly they become, the more clear it is to Americans who know our true historical origins, that we must push back and let them all know that we will vote them out of office and take back this sovereign republic into the hands of the people.

There are many Americans who support doing away with the Electoral College and would move into place the popular vote method of electing our candidates to office. This is absolutely not what the framers had in mind. The founding fathers were careful thinkers preparing, crafting and protecting their design when creating this republic. Even the word democracy does not appear in the Declaration of Independence. Moreover it doesn't even appear in any of our other founding documents. Why, because that was not their intent. Oh yes, they went to limitless perspectives to be sure we remain a republic and that our rights our provided us through God.  

I give you this example, Federalist Paper No. 10, James Madison wanted to prevent rule by majority faction, saying, "Measures are too often decided, not according to the rules of justice and the rights of the minor party, but by the superior force of an interested and overbearing majority." 

In addition, John Adams warned in a letter, "Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide." 

In a republic the people choose representatives to exercise their power. A republic does not have a king or queen, but rather an elected or appointed president. A republic starts with a free individual with the right to govern him or her selves.

These crazy socialist sorts are out to destroy the very fabric of our culture. They even enable the foreign illegal invasion via our southern border by ridiculing and stepping on our constitution. The Electoral College is necessary to remain a free republic. We must curve the abuse and assault upon our borders which are breaking the law. Illegal aliens must not be allowed to vote in any American elections. You are either here legally or you are not, there is no middle ground along this area.

President  Donald J. Trump is  a great  American  to defend our rights at every intersection and he is so gifted to brush off all of the terrible things the left throws at him. I cannot begin to think about how it will be in America once he leaves office in a few more years. This republic must put into action safe guards to not allow the socialists to achieve greater or continued political power.

I think we might want to take a careful look at term limits. Perhaps be more specific about the process to becoming a citizen, by requiring classes on the constitution, learning English and never allow swearing in to elected office with anything but the holy bible.

The Constitution says "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government" Why doesn't it say "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Democratic Republican Form of Government"? I say, because it was not the framers thinking to have it understood that way.

Elections are for the people, by the people and we must forever insist with extreme prejudice that our process remains as such. I realize that 2019 has many races necessary to be won, especially in the commonwealth. Virginia is in a fierce battle with its republican base fighting hard against the socialist left and the establishment to retain the House of Delegates and the state senate. 

We cannot stop there because we have so much work to do. 2020 being a must win for the survival of this republic, it's time you get out your walking shoes and your smile and campaign for the President. Everything is entirely secondary in 2020 to re-electing president Donald J. Trump for another term. There are no exceptions in my humble opinion.  

Make it happen now in Virginia and get ready for 2020 ~ Get Out & Vote!   Thank you.