Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Fickle Fate? Or Business as Usual?

       Delegate Nick Freitas

By Bob Hill

Last week I wrote to the editor of the Madison Eagle citing my belief that Delegate Nick Freitas might have been a victim of the "Fickle Finger of Fate".  I drew attention to Republicans of the 30th district being disenfranchised.  I also pointed to the possibility that it wasn't just Fate.  Today I'd like to suggest that Nick being left off the ballot was a carefully conducted act of "Business as Usual" by the Democratic Party. Nick's paper work was submitted on time but to a dead email address (same as had been used in previous elections) at the Virginia Department of Elections. 

Through a sequence of events worthy of the old "Laugh In" show, Nick's resubmission application was late.  The board of elections composed of 2 Democrats and 1 Republican chose not to grant Nick's request for exception even though others with similar situations were granted exception. It was probably naïve to think that fairness would rule the day.   Nick has been an outspoken critic of current Governor Northam and past Governor McAuliffe and has exhibited strong leadership in the House of Delegates.

Nick could have sought legal redress and almost certainly would have prevailed in court. However  ballot printing, and the verdict (probably contested) would have been too late for the 5 November election.  It is to Nick's credit that he chose to compete as a Write In candidate instead of the court case which would have led to mud-slinging.

Nick was a victim of the Democratic Party's "Business as Usual." I'd say it was an attempt to shut down a formidable Republican by "Dirty Tricks".  Seems as though Dems operate on principle that the "Ends Justify the Means".

We must not allow political "Dirty Tricks" to silence Nick's voice in the House of Delegates.  Join me in writing in Nick Freitas on November 5th.  Let us defeat the "Fickle Finger", the "Business as Usual" Dems and re-elect Nick.