Friday, May 31, 2024

Jason Miyares: Read my statement on President Trump’s conviction

No one in America is above or beneath the law, and everyone has a right to a fair and impartial trial. 


To be clear:


The FEC declined to prosecute this case.


The US Attorney's Office declined to prosecute this case.


This case was moved forward by a far-left prosecutor who regularly refuses to prosecute violent criminals but chose to move forward because the defendant was named Donald Trump. 


America has the greatest justice system in the world – and that is partly because it has a robust appeals process. There is broad consensus that this case is riddled with potential reversible errors and should be appealed in an expedited manner and resolved as quickly as possible. 


In America, we don't seek to jail political opponents — we seek to defeat them at the ballot box.


Instead of donating to me, donate to President Trump. We must stand together. 


Thank you,

Jason Miyares

Virginia Attorney General