Thursday, May 30, 2024


EMET ACTION ALERT: Contact Senator Elizabeth Warren's Office and Tell Her Not to Appear at a Conference With Known Terrorists!

On June 4th and 5th, Senator Elizabeth Warren is due to be a keynote speaker

at the annual Palestine Digital Advocacy Forum (PDAF). Unfortunately, as has

been pointed out by the non-governmental organization End Jew Hatred, this

conference features several individuals who have been closely affiliated with

- or have written staunch support of - groups that fall under the U.S.

Department of State designation of Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO).

For example, one speaker is Neveen Abu Rahmoun who is a member of

7Amleh's Board of Directors. 7Amleh is a self-described "Palestinian human

rights and digital rights organization". Immediately after the brutal HAMAS,

October 7th massacre  of 1200 Israeli  and foreign citizens and civilians, and

the abduction into Gaza of approximately 235, Neveen posted on her

Facebook page, "The Palestine resistance is imposing a new stage since the

beginning of the Al-Aqsa flood operation by resistance fighters infiltrating

into numerous Israeli neighborhoods and settlements. The message of the

resistance is clear, it has started and it shall escalate and shall impose a new


In December 2015, Ms. Abu Rahmoun shared a post glorifying the notorious

terrorist Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese member of the Palestine Liberation Front

and Hezbollah – like HAMAS, each designated by the U.S. Department of

State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). It was Samir Kuntar who in

April 1979  led a raid to Nahariya, Israel where he attempted to kidnap a

family, murdered an Israeli policeman, and murdered a 4-year-old little girl

by crushing her skull. In December 2015, the US Department of States

designated Samir Kuntar as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SGPT).

Another presenter is Ahmad Qadi, also a member of 7amleh's Monitoring

Committee and a Documentation Officer and Databank Coordinator of Al

Haq. NGO Monitor describes Al Haq as the leader of the anti-Israel "lawfare"

and BDS campaigns. The General Director of Al Haq, Shawaan Jabarin has

been linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – another FTO

as designated by the U.S. Department of State.

One PDAF sponsor is American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) whose

conferences often feature speakers who are family members of senior

HAMAS leadership figures. AMP often publishes fundraising appeals for

prisoners who have been connected to the Holy Land Foundation trial. AMP is

also the supporter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which is now

under federal investigation for charitable fraud and for serving as the

philanthropic and propaganda arm for HAMAS in the United States.

Another PDAF sponsor is Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which on October 7

th posted "the source of all this violence" was "Israeli apartheid and occupation

- and United States complicity in that oppression."

The values of these people are antithetical to American values. This is no

place for a US Senator who serves on the all-important Senate Armed

Services Committee.

Please call Senator Elizabeth Warren's office at (202) 224-4543 and tell her that she has no place among these organizations that are affiliated with or are sympathetic

to terrorists.

Also please sign the excellent petition put out by EndJewHatred.Org:

Elizabeth Warren at Terror Conference - Action Network

Thank you very much.