Monday, May 27, 2024

Senator Rick Scott's Week in Review

I have spent my life building businesses and fixing problems. I'm a turn-around guy and you saw that firsthand when I was your governor. When you elected me in 2018, I promised to fight every day to replicate Florida's conservative governance in Congress and make Washington work for you. This week, I took that fight to a new level and announced that I am running to be the next Senate Republican leader. 

When I was Florida's governor, we fought hard every day to turn our state around and make it into the low-tax land of freedom and opportunity it is today. In 2010, Florida was in real trouble. Families were leaving our state, our debt was growing, the property insurance market was out of control and we were losing jobs. At the end of my two terms as governor, businesses in our state had added 1.7 million new private-sector jobs. Because of our economic success, our property insurance market was stabilized and premium costs were down, we cut taxes 100 times, slashed 5,000 burdensome regulations, and made historic investments in education, our environment, infrastructure and more. What we did in Florida shows that when you have a leader willing to bust their butt, you can create dramatic change.

Everybody knows that Washington is broken. The path our nation is going down is not sustainable and our country is in deep trouble. Just look at the border, the nearly $35 trillion national debt and inflation that's up almost 20% since Biden took office. We don't need minor adjustments, we need a sea change to make Washington work for YOU, bring fiscal sanity back to the federal government and stop the massive government growth that is destroying our economy and the American Dream. That's why I'm running to be the Senate Republican leader.