Thursday, May 30, 2024

Senator Shelley Moore Capito


Standing with Israel:

There is no doubt that the last seven months have been an incredibly difficult time for the people of Israel and Jewish Americans here at home. Never in my life would I have expected to see the anti-Semitic discourse in our country right now and the violence and intimidation toward Jewish communities. Together, we must condemn the rise of anti-Semitism, and make clear that this hatred has no home in our country and our world. 

My Republican colleagues and I will continue to display our unwavering support for Israel and push for the assistance they need to ensure their survival and victory in this fight as allies do in times of need. Click here or the image below to watch my speech about this on the Senate floor last week.


Advancing Parkinson's Legislation:

I have talked with, seen, and heard so many stories of West Virginians impacted by Parkinson's disease. Whether they are living with the disease or caring for someone impacted by it, Parkinson's takes a terrible toll on the physical, mental, emotional, and economic well-being of everyone involved. 

Last week, I was thrilled to see the Senate pass the Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson's Act, which is the first-ever legislation solely devoted to ending Parkinson's disease. This commonsense legislation will establish a robust response to address the disease and will move us towards new treatments and a cure. Learn more here.

Following the Money:

Recently, I spoke at a Senate Republican leadership press conference about the oversight findings from my EPW Committee that revealed a $50 million grant was awarded from the EPA through the Democrats' so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" to a group that engages in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and antisemitic activities. It's despicable that the IRA is sending millions of dollars to a group that perpetrates hatred and violence under the guise of "fighting climate change."

When the Democrats passed their partisan IRA without any oversight funding or guardrails, many of us warned of the waste, fraud, and abuse from the influx of funding given to the EPA, but I never dreamed it could be this bad. To watch my remarks, click here or on the image below.


Advancing Our Water Resources Bill:

The Army Corps of Engineers conducts critical work in communities across the United States by building out water resources infrastructure, including projects that manage risks posed by flooding. Every two years, the Environment and Public Works Committee supports the Corps in carrying out its civil works mission through the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). Last week, the EPW Committee advanced this legislation out of our committee unanimously. This is great news as this year's WRDA 2024 contains significant wins for West Virginia that I worked hard to secure. Learn more about the bill and what this means for West Virginia by clicking here.