Thursday, May 30, 2024

Personhood Alliance: Should Pro-lifers vote for Trump in 2024?

Choosing the right presidential canidate in 2024 will be no easy task for those of us who believe that abortion is the greatest evil of our day.

For more than half a century, Republicans have championed the pro-life cause in their party platform if not always in their actions. The GOP's current platform, adopted in 2016, calls for a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to ensure the 14th Amendment's protections apply to children before birth. Despite these promises, most Republican politicians have only upheld a pro-life stance superficially.  Donald Trump followed through on these promises better than most of his Republican predecessors, distinguishing himself during his first term by appointing pro-life people throughout his administration and becoming the first sitting US president to attend the National March for Life.

Then, Roe v. Wade was overturned in the summer of 2022 galvanizing abortion proponents. As a result, Democrats mobilized with significant financial backing to promote abortion, while pro-lifers struggled to shift from limiting abortion on the fringes into advocating for the right to life.  If nothing else, the 2022 midterm elections demonstrated the power of money in politics, with Democrats outspending Republicans almost fifty-fold on abortion-related ads, leading to significant pro-abortion victories even in traditionally conservative states.

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, the pro-life movement faces new challenges. Trump, who once held a strong pro-life stance, has now shifted his position, criticizing pro-life laws and state court rulings while attempting to wash his hands of the "issue" by suggesting abortion should be left to the states. This incoherent argument has caused concern among pro-lifers who see it as a betrayal of the cause.

The upcoming election features three political dynasties but no pro-life champion. It's crucial for pro-life voters to scrutinize the candidates' positions and consider the long-term implications for the pro-life movement of giving any of them a pass.

Even though RFK Jr. was very strong on freedom from government coercion during the COVID pandemic, he has a long history of pro-abortion advocacy, has selected a vocal pro-abort as running mate and recently reafirmed his belief in abortion up to birth.

No comment is necessary regarding President Biden, other than to say that his claims to being a Catholic in good standing are scandalous, given his agressive pro-abortion advocacy.

Lastly, even though he was pro-life during his first term as president, Donald Trump seems to have returned to his pre-2016 pro-choice with exceptions position. A closer look at this transition is the subject of the Personhood Alliance's latest blog post.

Supporting a candidate who does not fully commit to protecting the right to life will undermine decades of advocacy and progress.  Unfortunately, all three major candidates have turned their back on pro-lifers and the innocent perborn in 2024.  Outside of the two major candidates and RFK Jr., others like Randall Terry of the Constitution Party are unapologetically pro-life but stand a small chance to win the election.

In the end, no one can tell you who to vote for, but you should always vote with a well formed conscience.

That is why we wrote this article highlighting Donald Trump's shifting position on abortion during this 2024 presidential election season.