Monday, May 27, 2024

Congressman Good Update: Remembering Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day

 Remembering Our Fallen Heroes  

Every Memorial Day we honor the brave men and women who paid the ultimate price in service to our great nation. The unwavering dedication and courage of all who have honorably served in uniform embody the true spirit of America.

From the battlefields of the Revolutionary War, to the most recent conflicts in the War on Terror, American patriots have consistently demonstrated extraordinary bravery and resilience. Their sacrifices have not only secured our liberty, but have also fostered peace and stability around the world. Their legacy is one of honor, commitment, and an enduring belief in the principles of democracy and justice.

This Memorial Day, my family and I are grateful for those who bravely sacrificed their lives for our great country. The words of Jesus in John 15:12-13 apply to these heroes most deserving of remembrance, when He said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."

As we reflect upon the ultimate sacrifice of more than 1 million American servicemembers this Memorial Day, may we also remember the family and friends they left behind. Their pain and grief are unimaginable, tempered only by the joy of their memories and the knowledge that they gave their lives in service to the greatest country the world has ever known. I join other Americans in offering them my prayers and heartfelt appreciation.

We remember. We are forever grateful. Today, and every day, we salute you.


 Bring Tyler Wenrich Home 

This past weekend, I joined an official Congressional Delegation (CODEL) trip with Senators Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) and John Fetterman (D-PA), and Representatives Josh Brecheen (R-OK), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), and Michael Cloud (R-TX) to Turks and Caicos to advocate for the release of American detainees. My colleagues and I are very concerned about the unintended consequences of recent legal changes there that have resulted in multiple American tourists being arrested, charged, and threatened with lengthy prison sentences for accidental and non-threatening offenses.

I met with my constituent Tyler Wenrich and the other Americans who are currently being detained, after small amounts of stray ammunition were found in their luggage without their knowledge. Tyler was unknowingly in possession of two rounds that had unfortunately worked their way into the seams of his backpack and went undetected by TSA when he left the United States


We had a productive visit with Turks and Caicos government officials and business leaders who understand the economic impact of American visitors to their islands, and we hope it will result in positive outcomes. Tyler's sentencing is expected in the next week, and I am continuing to advocate for his immediate release so he can be reunited with his wife and one-year-old son. 


Protecting Student Athlete's Economic Freedom Act

As a former NCAA student-athlete, I strongly believe that America's long tradition of college athletics should not be ruined by reclassifying student-athletes as employees, or moving to unionization. That's why I introduced the Protecting Student Athlete's Economic Freedom Act, to preserve the integrity of college athletics and safeguard educational opportunities for student-athletes. The bill states that a student-athlete may not be considered an employee of an institution, conference, or association.

Forcing schools to consider student-athletes as employees would bankrupt some schools' athletics departments with the requirement to pay salaries, provide additional insurance coverage for every sport, and increase administrative staff to implement the changes. My legislation will help maintain a balance between athletics and academics, ensuring that college sports programs remain viable, beneficial, and enjoyable for all student-athletes.

College athletics is a longstanding American tradition that unites alumni and communities around a common cause. College athletics also helps prepare student-athletes for greater life success. Congress should act to preserve and protect this unique institution. 

You can read more about my bill here.

Antisemitism on Rutgers University Campus

I had the opportunity to question President Holloway of Rutgers University about antisemitism on their campus during an Education and Workforce Committee hearing. He was unwilling to declare that Israel's government is not "genocidal", or if he believes that "MAGA Republicans" are a threat to American Jews. To be clear—the individuals who are a threat to Jewish Americans are the ones who are supporting the Hamas terrorists.



Ending Healthcare Monopolies 

In seven years, it is predicted that our healthcare spending will reach $7 trillion on an annual basis, or about 20% of GDP. In a Budget Committee hearing this week, we talked about how greater price transparency and more competition are necessary to bring costs down, and how healthcare monopolies are actually contrary to these objectives. I also discussed how big pharma, the food industry, government subsidies, and the American diet are conspiring to profit off an increasingly unhealthy population.  

The long-term trajectory for healthcare costs is extremely concerning and will overwhelm our nation's economic and fiscal health if it is not effectively addressed. We need to confront how so-called "nutrition" spending and subsidies in the Farm Bill are subsidizing and funding the wrong kinds of food and poisoning Americans. Many decision makers in our country are profiting off sick Americans, especially our children, and many compromised individuals are facilitating the perpetuation of a system that benefits them financially.  


The long-term trajectory for healthcare spending is poor, and it is draining our nation's budget needlessly. We need to highlight how nutrition spending and subsidies in the agriculture and farm bill is funding and subsidizing the wrong kinds of food for Americans. Our country is profiting off illnesses, and many compromised individuals are making decisions for how our whole system works.

Exposing Neutrality Agreements

In the Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee hearing I chaired this week, we discussed neutrality agreements. These union-backed contracts are highly disruptive schemes that harm businesses, reduce productivity, and generate employer-employee conflict. These tactics do not align with the principles of a fair and open organizing process. The Biden administration's promotion of many of these unfair schemes are yet more examples of their efforts to facilitate power grabs by union bosses.


In the Media

I spoke to multiple local and national media outlets about my visit to Turks and Caicos to fight for the release of Lousia County resident Tyler Wenrich, and four other Americans being held there. We also discussed the politically motivated lawfare persecution of President Trump, Democrats' border invasion, Biden's efforts to buy votes via his depletion of our strategic petroleum reserves and student loan transfer schemes, and the best way to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year. 

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