Thursday, May 30, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 5-30-24 - Border Insecurity

Border Security Is National Security


We just got more bad news from the Border Patrol. In the last eight months, more than 52,000 special interest aliens have entered the United States.

A special interest alien is an illegal alien who came in with "red flags" in their background that are often associated with terrorism or other potential national security threats.

As a point of comparison, approximately 36,500 special interest aliens a year entered the country during the two-year period from October 2021 to October 2023. But more than twice as many -- 78,000 -- are on track to come in this year.

But wait. . . There's more bad news.

There are another 184,000 known "gotaways" in the past eight months, bringing the total number of known gotaways to 1,850,000 since Joe Biden took office.

Many illegal aliens are voluntarily surrendering to our Border Patrol agents because they know nothing is going to happen to them. In fact, we're helping to relocate them all over the country.

So, you have to assume a significant percentage of those illegal aliens who did not want to be apprehended are up to no good. Even ten percent would be a huge number.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin recently highlighted just how wide open and insecure our borders really are.

He encountered dozens of illegal aliens along the border who were angry because they had been waiting for hours for overworked Border Patrol agents to apprehend them. They wanted to get on Biden's migrant processing conveyor belt, with free phones, free meals, free travel, free health care, etc.

But a group of Colombians got tired of waiting and called Lyft!