Thursday, May 30, 2024

Gary Bauer

Hijacking History

If anyone went online to learn what the Appeal to Heaven flag was, they likely visited Wikipedia and got a legitimate history of the Revolutionary War-era flag that was a symbol of American independence.

But once the attack on Alito began, the Wikipedia entry was altered to suggest that the Appeal to Heaven flag is now a symbol of the "far-right" and "Christian nationalism."

This is a good reminder, just in case any of us have forgotten, that we are living in a controlled society reminiscent of 1984 or Brave New World, where history instantly changes depending on whatever narrative is needed.

Two weeks ago, few Americans could correctly say what the Appeal to Heaven flag was. But at least they could look it up and learn that it was a symbol of freedom. Now, the left claims it is a symbol of hate, just like the Betsy Ross flag and the Gadsden flag. I'm sure George Washington would be very surprised.