Saturday, May 25, 2024

Christina Chappell, Vice President of Advancement, SBA Pro-Life America: Here’s the real story behind pregnancy resource centers

Pregnancy resource centers have been under fierce attack by abortion extremists since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. These centers are crucial, providing support to mothers making the courageous decision to give their children life, even under the most difficult conditions.

Despite their essential role, pregnancy centers face severe criticism and hostility. Senator Elizabeth Warren has stated, "It's more important than ever to crack down on so-called 'crisis pregnancy centers' that mislead women about reproductive health care. I'm working in the Senate to stop these deceptive practices and ensure every American can access the abortion care they need." This sentiment has fueled numerous violent attacks, causing millions of dollars in damage to pregnancy resource centers and churches.

In addition to physical attacks, pro-abortion state legislators have introduced at least 26 bills specifically designed to hinder pregnancy centers. The Biden administration is also continually seeking to cut government funding for life-affirming options for mothers.

Despite these relentless efforts by the far left to obstruct women from accessing life-saving support, pregnancy centers have persevered. Here are some remarkable insights into their impact:

  • Over 2,750 pregnancy resource centers in the United States provided $367,896,513 worth of goods and services to families in need—an increase of $100 million since 2019.
  • 16,050,312 clients were assisted in person or virtually.
  • Over 60,000 paid and volunteer staff members work at pregnancy centers nationwide.
  • 97.4% of pregnancy center clients reported a positive experience and satisfaction with their visit.

Despite the smear campaigns and attacks from Big Abortion, pregnancy resource centers continue to offer hope and support to those facing challenging circumstances. Our friends at the Charlotte Lozier Institute have compiled comprehensive reports on the impact of these centers, which I encourage you to explore here: 

The fact that 8 in 10 workers at these centers are volunteers is a testament to the life-saving work happening daily. This selflessness should be celebrated, not vandalized in support of Big Abortion's harmful agenda.

I am deeply grateful for the lives being saved, the help being extended, and the hope being offered to families in need. These statistics and stories of impact are a powerful testament to the essential work being done—work you won't see highlighted in mainstream news.