Monday, May 27, 2024

Brownstone Institute: Feel the Ground Shifting?

The World Health Organization has failed to agree on a final draft agreement. The resistance around the world is just too intense. They will find other ways but this is a great victory for now. It's bad luck to brag, but research supported by Brownstone Institute (meaning supported by you!) has made a decisive difference. 

Meanwhile, other parts of the machinery of compulsion seem to be falling apart. 

The 155-page email dump of the House Oversight Subcommittee provides a mind-blowing record of communications and life inside the institution headed by Anthony Fauci, the mega-powerful 50-year bureaucrat. The exchange's second-in-command is David Morens, one-time physician, gatekeeper to the king of the world managing a $50 billion research budget, and would-be philosopher himself. Yes, he is the guy who argued for a rebuilding of the infrastructure of human existence at the height of lockdowns.

These lurid emails reveal a nonstop effort from 2020 onward to bury all information about the funding of the Wuhan lab that is supposed to be the source of the pandemic virus and the code sequence that fed the shot that billions in the world took which has produced not a cure but injury and death seemingly without precedent in modern pharmaceutical experience. The man we discover behind the curtain is broken, profane, lascivious, and deeply confused. 

It's right there for all the world to see. These are your rulers. These are the people who wrecked the world. 

There's so much more coming down the line now, much more.