Thursday, May 30, 2024

Common Sense: John Kerry, Super-Villain — Paul Jacob on Jack Bauer’s grayest nemesis

Common Sense with Paul Jacob

John Kerry, Super-Villain

KerrySutherland image

Whistleblowers and unclassified emails inform us that when he was the secretary of state under Obama, John Kerry thwarted arrests of Iranians illegally acting on behalf of the Iranian state.

While in the United States.

According to Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, "whistleblower disclosures" reveal that while the Obama administration was negotiating with Iran to "prevent" it from acquiring nuclear weapons, "then-Secretary of State John Kerry actively interfered with [the FBI's executing of arrest warrants] on individuals in the U.S. illegally supporting Iranian efforts … to develop weapons of mass destruction and its ballistic missile program."

FBI agents were frustrated because, they said in emails, they had to ask field agents "to stand down on a layup arrest … and wait until the U.S. and Iran negotiations resolve themselves."

At least one of the protected suspects was on a terrorism watch list.


We need John Kerry to play the bad guy in a revival of 24, trying to stop super-agent Jack Bauer from taking out terrorists because the U.S. is in the middle of shipping pallets of cash to the terrorism-sponsoring government. A very delicate operation that must be executed with hair-trigger precision and without antagonizing the terrorism-sponsoring recipients.

Kerry's most recent job: Weather Envoy. He retired from it this year. Apparently, tweaking global climate isn't as easy as he'd thought.

Could have been worse. This dour, long-faced pillar of pretense, Kerry, almost became President of the United States. 

We must keep reminding ourselves of this.

This is Common Sense. I'm Paul Jacob.