Thursday, May 30, 2024

U.S. Senator Rand Paul: Update from Dr. Rand Paul - May 29, 2024

Kelley and I are praying for everyone affected by the tornadoes and storms this past weekend. As we assess the damage, my staff will coordinate with state and local officials to support the response. We're committed to assisting in recovery efforts and ensuring resources are available to those in need. You can find my latest update below!
Dr. Rand Paul Sends Letter to DOJ Urging Investigation into Misconduct of Top Fauci Advisor Dr. David Morens
Last week, as Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, I sent a letter to U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Attorney General Merrick Garland requesting an investigation into the alleged improper concealment and intentional destruction of records by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

ImageThe letter describes emails obtained by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic providing substantial evidence of Dr. Morens violating federal law by concealing and destroying records relating to the origins of COVID-19. For example, Dr. Morens, who was one of Dr. Fauci's top advisors, wrote "[d] on't worry, just send to any of my addresses and I will delete anything I don't want to see in the New York Times."
The emails also show Dr. Morens admitting to improperly using his personal email address to evade Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, writing, "[a]s you know, I try to always communicate on Gmail because my NIH email is FOIA'd constantly." Additionally, the letter details newly revealed emails indicating the NIH FOIA office assisted Dr. Morens in his efforts of unlawfully destroying records and evading public oversight. Dr. Morens stated, "I learned from our NIH FOIA lady here how to make emails disappear after I am FOIA but before the search starts so I think we're all safe. Plus, I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to Gmail." 
In light of these concerning emails, last week, the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing demanding answers from Dr. Morens on the strong evidence that he violated federal law by concealing and destroying federal records. Dr. Morens tried evading responsibility by claiming he was joking in these emails and didn't understand what federal law was. According to the testimony and emails from Dr. Morens, it's clear that NIH officials have given instructions on how to destroy evidence, and there is much more for us to learn.
As a result, I have requested the DOJ open an investigation into Dr. Morens and, if substantiated, ensure that he is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
You can learn more about my efforts HERE and HERE.

Waste Report Wrap Up

Every Wednesday, I highlight an area of government waste uncovered by my team and me. This past week, I shined a light on the COVID-19 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) which sent a portion of $800 billion to fraudsters who uploaded Barbie and doll-like images as proof of ID. 



You can read more about fraudulent PPP funds and other waste that your government spent your hard earned tax dollars on HERE.

Dr. Rand Paul Introduces Resolution to Repeal Harmful FDA Rule Limiting Access to Laboratory Developed Tests
Recently, I introduced a resolution under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to repeal Medical Devices: Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs), a rule that was recently finalized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The final rule, published May 6th, seeks to impose burdensome regulations on the creation and implementation of laboratory developed tests (LDTs), limiting patients' access to critical diagnostic testing. Additionally, these tests are already regulated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Congress has never given the FDA the authority to regulate lab tests. 

Lab tests are often the only or most reliable option available within the U.S. healthcare system that provide timely results to patients with rare diseases and conditions. Specifically, implementation of FDA's rule would:


  • Hinder the development and deployment of new and improved lab-developed tests. 
  • Delay or deprive patient access to tests that diagnose or indicate whether a patient is genetically predisposed to cancer, heart disease, and other conditions.
  • Impede collaborative efforts in clinical care that rely on the flexibility provided by lab tests; and,
  • Limit the test offerings made available to patients because the economic burden imposed by the rule may force small and medium-sized laboratories to close.

This new rule is yet another brazen power grab by the FDA under the direction of President Biden. Unnecessary regulations on lab developed tests threaten to delay critical diagnostics and undermine healthcare innovation. This CRA is a step towards preserving the innovation and flexibility needed to address emerging medical challenges and safeguard patient health.
You can learn more about my resolution HERE.