Monday, May 27, 2024

Interest of Justice: WHO Trying To Save Face

WHO Trying To Save Face To The Public Eye By Creating A Side Event Involving Community During A Pandemic. Wanna Shill For WHO? They NEED you to be involved because STATES ARE DEMANDING IT FROM WHO.

Are they trying to use Public Diplomacy to get communities to do their horrible guidances since they can no longer control the member states to do it?

World Health Assembly 77 (WHA77) Side Event 

Community Protection: putting communities at the centre of managing health emergencies

Jointly organized by WHO, IFRC and UNICEF

08:00–09:00 CEST (Geneva time)

Thursday 30 May 2024

Register here


Join critical discussions on the sidelines of the World Health Assembly (WHA77) on  Community Protection: placing communities at the centre of managing health emergencies. On Thursday 30th May 8h00-9h00CEST, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) societies, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) will bring together experts from around the world to highlight the importance of community-based approaches, community engagement and involvement, and inter-agency and multisectoral partnerships.

When the WHO literally targeted intellectually disabled indigenous in 2021, in Costa Rica for disgusting "vaccine uptake" programs, by using "community involvement" of paid vaccine peddlers, it was the same thing. Pay off liar "fact-checkers" and "nudge units" to push WHO experimental interventions like gene therapies misbranded as vaccines… These "community engagement" programs are all lip service and for show, where real communities of dissenting scientists are CENSORED AND EXCLUDED.

Screw you WHO! No we do not want to shill for you WHO. Do you? Probably not. We will stick with the community of DISSENT. Will the WHO ever include us dissenters in a meaningful way? Doubt it, so we probably won't be attending this side event for WHA77 since our community is censored by the WHO for disagreeing with the WHO gods of science.