Thursday, May 30, 2024

Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America: Critical task for you before the week ends

If you're a member of Gun Owners of America, you're protected from the ATF's Universal Registration Check rule until June 2.

But GOA is leading the fight to protect your Second Amendment rights indefinitely.

We're continuing to battle the ATF in court to rip apart this new rule that enables Biden to build his gun registry and set our country down the path of gun confiscation.

With the Second Amendment hanging in the balance, we need to wage this war on every possible front – which is why we now have a critical task for YOU.

The House and Senate have introduced legislation (H.J.Res. 144 in the House and S.J.Res 83 in the Senate) to overturn the ATF's unconstitutional rule – but they are still short of the votes necessary to pass in each chamber.

Right now, GOA needs YOU to pressure your Representative and two Senators to overturn Biden's new decree that requires a background check on the private transfer of firearms.

Getting the House and Senate to go on record—voting to repeal this unconstitutional rule—is super important. If successful, it will send a STRONG message to the courts that the people's representatives oppose this tyrannical rule.

So please add your name to our pre-written letter urging your Representative and two Senators to overturn the ATF's tyrannical rule.


NOTE: If your Representative and Senators have already cos