Saturday, May 25, 2024

Team Emord: A Special Message

I am Dr. Charles B. Simone. I am a research scientist, an oncologist, and an immunologist. I have had the privilege of treating some of the world's most distinguished people, including President Ronald Reagan, Peter Rodino, and Vice President Hubert Humphrey, among others.

I met Jonathan Emord 30 years ago. Even then, he had a reputation as one of the most accomplished constitutional lawyers and litigators in the nation. He asked me to serve as an expert witness in his successful case against the FDA to end the FDA censorship of information associating antioxidant vitamins with cancer risk reduction.

Since then, he and I have worked together many times. Most recently, we collaborated to attack the federal government for censoring information about the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.  

Without a doubt, Jonathan Emord is a great and accomplished leader in the law and in the fight to defend our rights against big government. He is a brilliant strategist, fighter, and winner.

Please join me in supporting his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.