Thursday, May 30, 2024

Not The Bee: Her stepfather sold her

Shared Hope International --  She was just 5 when her stepfather used her for pornography, then sex, and then began selling her to his friends.    

By 11, Yvonne was already on the street. "I felt much safer there than I did at home," she shares, "but cops kept picking me up and returning me to that hell hole." 

  • At 16, once again on the streets, she was picked up by an elderly man who became abusive. In the struggle that ensued, Yvonne stabbed him with a little knife she carried.  
  • Yvonne was arrested. Labeled a prostitute. Charged with manslaughter. And sent to adult prison for five years.  

Yvonne came to understand at a very early age, based on the way the so-called "justice" system responded to her, that no one would ever believe the truth of her victimization …  

Until she came face-to-face with Shared Hope — and the compassion of a friend like you.  

Shared Hope works to prevent child sex trafficking, restore the lives of those who have survived, and bring about justice for victims like Yvonne ... and the adults who brutalize them.  

And we've been doing it for over 25 years.