After prayer and careful consideration in 2020, I endorsed Patti Lyman's election as our RNC National Committeewoman. Everything about her personal testimony, integrity, background, and her values and priorities convinced me she is a committed Christian, a courageous warrior, and an aggressive Constitutional attorney who is a 100% reliable patriot. In the last 4 years, she has not only fulfilled my expectations but far surpassed them. As our Committeewoman, Patti has been at the center of (1) opposing Rank Choice Voting at the national and state level, (2) countering movements at the RNC to move the party to the left on key issues such as marriage, (3) censuring and ultimately driving Liz Cheney from office for her egregious abuse of US citizens through the illegal January 6th Committee, (4) pushing bold action against the Chinese Communist Party in favor of US interests, (5) advancing resolutions advocating for more influence by the grassroots, including the right of local citizens to use paper ballots vs hand counting instead of machines. Most importantly, Patti was central to a critical - and ultimately successful - 2-year effort to replace former RNC Chair Ronna Romney with leadership that respects everyday Americans, exercises wise stewardship of donor funds, and fully supports our nominee, President Trump. Not content to merely replace the Chair, she is a key part of efforts to remake the RNC membership by replacing non-responsive RNC members with America First patriots who will represent their grassroots at the RNC. It has been my pleasure to get to know Patti on a personal level, including her heart for the Lord and her determination, even in the face of great pressure, when she knows she is doing His will. I am grateful for her leadership and proud that she represents Virginia at the national level.
Once again, I urge every delegate to re-elect her at the June 1 convention in Hampton. Bishop E.W. Jackson Chairman STAND America PAC *Titles used solely for identification |