Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Giant Leap to Socialism

By Bob Hill

Today sitting on the patio looking at the Mountains of Madison County,
as I consider events in recent decades, I ponder "Do I want or expect
the Government to take care of me?"  How would the early citizens of
these  mountains  respond?   Probably with stark amazement and 
disbelief at the thought, I asked a couple of descendants of families
which were forced to leave their mountain homes to make way for
Shenandoah Park, "do you want the government to take care of you?"  One
notable reply was "I won't bother the government and I don't want it to
bother me!" After more than 80 years since the displacement, they are
still bitter.  The Mountain people have historically been independent
freedom lovers.  In their opinion, they were double crossed by the
government.  The Hoover administration gave the Mountaineers assurances
that "cooperate with us and you can stay on your land if you want to."
Not long after the Democratic administration of Franklin Roosevelt took
office, the promise was rescinded.  Not too much later the Mountaineers
were forced to leave home and lands their families (in some cases) had
lived on for over 200 years. In cases where they resisted, Virginia
National Guard loaded as many members of a family as they could catch
into open dump trucks, along with their belongings, burned their house,
then took them to a new replacement home, usually in the valley. 
Several of these descendants are  my neighbors,  great people  still
with independent spirits.

This was real!  It really happened here. Freedom-- we Americans take it
for granted until we lose it! "Creeping Socialism" only a few years ago
was decried by both major parties.  It was considered derogatory along
with terms like "Nanny State", and was as repugnant as communism and
commune!  Not true for today's Democratic Party.  Nationally the Dems
have openly embraced extreme socialism with a giant leap, no more
creeping.  "You can stay on your land if you want to" has a familiar
ring as in "you can keep your doctor if you want to".  That hasn't
worked too well either.  Technically, the Mountaineers were "made
whole".  They got a new house and land, in the valley where there were
doctors available, schools closer, and even a few stores. They were paid
for their property, seldom more than ten dollars an acre.  There was no
compensation for loss of freedom.

Continuing my musing while admiring Old Rag Mountain.  I asked myself
"If the Dems are elected and can enact the "Green New Deal" just how bad
would that be for me?  I easily came up with "the dirty dozen elements
of Socialism".

(1)    My taxes are going way up.
Most of the countries where Socialism reigns have personal income tax
rates between 45% and 65%. Sweden, considered a very successful
socialist government, forecasts a personal income tax rate of 63% next
year! Sweden has its own problems, its citizens are living longer, and
needing more support in general.  Their socialistic government gets
bigger and more expensive.  So far annual tax increases seem to be their
only solution.
(2)    Private ownership of guns regulated.
My ability to own guns of my choice will be eliminated and regulated.  A
national registry of all guns is foreseen.
(3)    National Health Care
Health care will be a completely governmental function, with fewer
choices left to me.  I may not be able to have my physician of choice
even if I pay for it.  (See option 1)
(4)  Education will be closely controlled
Indoctrination of socialistic concepts will start in the early grades.
History will be taught that emphasizes the good of socialism and the
evils of capitalism and individualism.
(5)  Travel will be regulated
A government entity will be deciding most aspects of travel. Government
issued travel permits may be required. Note: From 2000-2010 I worked
with a Humanitarian Aid Organization in an emerging African country. In
2005 the government welcomed us to work on improving water systems. In
2006 we went to work on classrooms and library structures. However, we
needed travel permits to leave the capital city, and there were check
points along the route where we were halted.  Calls were made back to
the gov't travel office to verify that we were there properly. It wasn't
just us as foreigners but the local citizens were similarly affected. 
In 2009 we were asked to come back to complete a school for their
growing refugee community. On arrival in the capital, we immediately
went to the travel office to obtain permits.  We were told "your permits
are being processed, come back tomorrow and enjoy our capital." This
went on for several days until it became clear we wouldn't ever get the
permits. Did I mention the government of this country is now communist?
(6) Jobs and Employment
(7) The Economy, and
(8) Business (particularly one making a profit), are all strictly
controlled as the level of socialism grows.
In the country I just mentioned, socialism crept in from democracy in
1992 to full-blown communism after the Chinese model in 2010.
(9) Media and Communications
Today in this African country all news reporting is controlled, even
access to the internet. By international agreement, even satellite
communication is closely regulated. The only TV station is the
government station.
(10) Housing and Property
As we move from capitalism to socialism in government, private ownership
recedes.  Today we have the capability to "go to court" to contest
government takeover during Right of Eminent Domain property seizures.
The concept of "being made whole" will move from the court to being
decided by a governmental entity.
(11)  Agriculture
Individually, we believe it's our property---right? We grow crops to
make a profit; however, even now, our government regulates, subsidizes,
and greatly influences the amount, location, and the crop selection.
Further governmental control is exercised through public ownership of
water and ranch land. In my African country, the government now controls
the seeds, the water, and equipment.
(12) Recreation
In an extreme socialistic country, the government decides what
recreation pursuits are good and appropriate.  Hunting is strictly
forbidden, American football and similar contact sports are banned as
being too aggressive. Sports are encouraged only for the military. There
is a push for excellence in national teams. My African country has
produced several world-class distance runners who are considered
national heroes.

After pondering the question Do I Want The Government To Take Care of
Me, I return to my mountaineer friend's answer. "I really don't want the
government to bother me and I'll try hard not to bother the government."

Ronald Reagan said, "A government can't control the economy without
controlling the people." Controlling the people requires force and
coercion. He quoted Plutach "the real destroyer of the liberties of the
people is he  who spreads  arounds the bounties,  donations and
benefits." In socialism, a few elite believe they can plan our lives for
us better than we can. Returning to Ronald Reagan's quote: "Will you
resist the temptation for the government handout? Recognize that
government invasion of public power is eventually an assault upon your
own business. If some (of us) fear taking a stand because of reprisals
from customers, clients or even government, recognize that you are just
feeding the crocodile, hoping he'll eat you last."

**taken from nationally televised address for the Barry Goldwater
Presidential Campaign, Oct. 27, 1964