Jeff Frederick has been a member of the House of Delegates in the Virginia General Assembly, representing the 52nd district (eastern Prince William County) since 2003.
At age 32, Frederick is youthful and energetic. He stressed his abilities as an aggressive communicator, fund raiser and grassroots motivator, during a recent Washington Times interview.
“I have a district that most Democrats think doesn't belong to me and I just won [in November] with 59 percent of the vote,” he said..
In a January 29th Family Foundation blog interview, Frederick gave a traditional definition of conservatism:
“Less government, so that people have more liberty and freedom. Less taxes, because I think people know better how to spend their money than government does. Personal responsibility; protection of life; and empowering families.”
He said that he believes conservatism is winning in Virginia and when conservative principles are not watered down, voters will agree. Judging by his record, Frederick would bring dedication to conservative values to the table to strengthen the party, if elected Chairman.
The current Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, former Lieutenant Governor John Hager has also announced that he will seek re-election, and Virginia Republicans may face a tough choice, similar to one reported by Human Events columnist John Gizzi (March 3).
Gizzi noted that in a vote between two conservatives, California Republicans unseated a well-liked incumbent who was thought to be a shoo-in for re-election to the position of Republican National Committeeman. He was defeated by a party leader who pledged ‘a new, dynamic relationship’ with the Republican National Committee and is characterized as having a “more aggressive style.”
Gizzi added that although the state is led by a moderate Republican governor, California convention delegates are becoming “increasingly conservative.”
Likewise, Jeff Frederick will need to convince enough Republican delegates that his is the stronger conservative voice needed to lead the party back to the Governor’s mansion, and to regain Virginia Senate and House of Delegate seats.
The new chairman will be elected at the May 30-31, 2008 State Convention of the Republican Party of Virginia. All delegates to the convention will get to vote for the new chairman.
Delegates to the State Convention will be elected at the Madison County Republican Committee Mass Meeting on March 26th at 7:00 PM, in the War Memorial Building, in the town of Madison.
MCRW’s March 18th meeting will feature a special St. Patrick's Day Dinner of Irish Corn beef and cabbage, red potatoes, carrots, and green salad. Everyone is invited to attend this informative meeting. Dinner: $10. For additional information please call (540) 923-4300 or (540) 547-2156.