Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate Analysis

Gary Bauer declares Sarah Palin the winner of the VP debate and exposes a few other points that Democrat Gwen Ifill aided Obama and Biden with, purely by their omission.
Palin Power!

In the days leading up to last night’s debate, the Obama campaign and its elitist, liberal media allies were spinning this narrative: Sarah Palin is stupid, inexperienced and belongs nowhere near Washington, D.C., much less the White House. Her selection reflects poorly on John McCain’s judgment, and, by the way, this election is over.

Since the GOP convention, the Left has been relentless in savaging Palin. In the last ten days, in the middle of the economic crisis and in the lead up to the debate, the Obama campaign was gaining traction on the belief that it had the momentum. Its goal, of course, is to demoralize you – the readers of this report – with the intent of suppressing conservative turnout on Election Day.

No vice presidential candidate in recent memory has gone into a debate with so much at stake, and, in my view, the straight talking, pro-life, pro-family governor of Alaska more than held her own. Governor Palin spoke more effectively for Main Street than the pseudo-populist “from the neighborhoods of Scranton,” Joe Biden.

That said, I did have a major disappointment with the debate. In 90 minutes, Gwen Ifill did not ask one question about the sanctity of life. Now, I don’t believe that was an oversight. I believe that the issue was intentionally avoided because Obama and Biden have gotten into a lot of trouble in recent weeks due to their radical pro-abortion positions. For example:

  • At Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback forum, Obama said that the question of when a baby is entitled to human rights was “above my pay grade.”

  • When Tom Brokaw asked Speaker Nancy Pelosi to assist Senator Obama in explaining the abortion issue, she so distorted Catholic teaching that bishops around the country felt compelled to speak out and set the record straight.

  • When Joe Biden tried to explain his own position, he managed only to utter a defense of homicide. He said that while he believed life begins at conception, he votes for abortion because he does not want to tell people to follow his beliefs. If that were true, what made him run for public office in the first place? Every law is a reflection of someone’s moral judgment about right and wrong. If Senator Biden has so little faith in his own judgment, he shouldn’t be in public office.

In recent days a top Vatican official warned that the Democrat Party was on the verge of “transforming itself definitively into a party of death.” It is very unfortunate that more people did not get the opportunity to learn how radically pro-abortion the Democrat ticket is. So radical that the candidate at the top of the ticket would deny some babies born alive urgent medical care.

And while the issue is a major negative for the Obama/Biden campaign, it is clearly a plus for McCain/Palin. Any question about the inherent value of each life would have been an opportunity for the mother of five children, including a baby boy with Down syndrome, to hit a homerun.

I think an opportunity was missed on the meaning of marriage. While Sarah Palin gave the right answer in respect to the contracts and agreements that all individuals can make now, she quickly added that a McCain administration would do nothing to redefine marriage. When Ifill asked Biden to clarify his position on the meaning of marriage, he responded with the very misleading statement that the Obama/Biden ticket believed marriage was between a man and a woman. Here are the facts:

  • Barack Obama has called the Defense of Marriage Act “an abhorrent law,” and he has said it should be repealed. That action would put every state law regarding marriage in jeopardy of being redefined at the whim of any federal judge.

  • Obama is on the record supporting the outrageous decision of the California Supreme Court ordering same-sex “marriage.”

  • Obama has also publicly opposed the right of the citizens of California to define marriage for themselves at the ballot box.

Biden’s statement that the Democrat ticket believes marriage is the union of a man and a woman does not pass the “straight face test.” Again, it is unfortunate that more people did not learn the truth about how radical the Obama/Biden ticket really is.

The most outrageous moment of the debate came when Senator Biden repeatedly made the ludicrous statement that John McCain voted against funding for our troops. Biden was playing an inside Washington game, trying to confuse voters. But perhaps he had Senator McCain confused with Harry “the war is lost” Reid. Unlike Harry Reid and other Democrats, John McCain has been one of the strongest supporters of our troops and of winning the war in Iraq. So much so that the Democrats have been attacking him as a “war monger.” So to suggest John McCain voted against our troops simply is absurd.

Then, with all his vast knowledge and experience as a former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden cited the wrong article of the Constitution regarding the powers of the vice president. Did you hear about that on CNN or MSNBC today? Imagine the media reaction if Sarah Palin had made that blunder.

There was another very revealing moment during the debate that I want to call to your attention. When asked if there was an issue on which the candidates had changed their minds, Senator Biden said he changed on the confirmation of judges.

Once upon a time, Biden believed that the most important consideration was whether or not the nominees were competent jurists. Now, what matters most when it comes to Supreme Court justices is whether or not they are leftwing ideologues. If McCain or any Republican ever said anything that clear, the roof would cave in on them for daring to have a “litmus test” on judges.

This is a critical issue, my friends. I believe, with President McCain and Vice President Palin, we have a good chance of getting the right judges nominated. With President Obama and Vice President Biden selecting our judges, I guarantee you that the conservative pro-family, pro-life movement will be set back for decades in the culture war.

With so many critical issues likely to come before the Supreme Court in the near future – the right to life, the meaning of marriage, self-defense, private property, religious liberty, even national security issues – conservatives must make every effort to vote on November 4th for the McCain/Palin ticket.

I believe Sarah Palin clearly won the debate. In the remaining 32 days of this election, I hope the McCain campaign will release the “Barracuda,” and let Sarah be Sarah. To read more of my thoughts on last night’s debate, please read my weekly column at Please feel free to post your comments, too!