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In Kaine-Speak, Deeds is a “Fool” More Than 30-Times OverThat must mean that Kaine opposes almost all of Deeds’ plans. Read more here. |

Deeds is Fibbing on General Fund Argument About Roads
Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine and his chosen successor for governor Creigh Deeds are now howling daily that Bob McDonnell would harm public schools with his roads plan, despite Deeds’ own extensive list of programs that draw money from similar sources. Deeds has listed more than 30 programs that would come from the same pool of money. Also, in reality, only about 45-percent of the General Fund is spent on education. Deeds Kaine are in cahoots in this scheme to mislead Virginia voters. If you believe the claim that any dime spent out of the General Fund robs education, then you have to conclude that Deeds himself is like Bonnie and Clyde rolled into one deceitful package. So, to paraphrase Deeds himself: ‘Creigh, what about the children?’ Read more. |
Doctors Blast Deeds: Higher Malpractice Cap = Reduced Access to Medical Care |
Four Virginia medical doctors have criticized Creigh Deeds for his attempt to triple the limit of awards for malpractice claims against physicians, a move that would have seriously threatened the ability of many doctors to continue their practices and endangered the health of patients seeking care. Deeds sponsored legislation in the General Assembly that would have increased the cap on such claims from $1 million to $3 million. Malpractice claims and the lawsuits that accompany them increase the cost of the insurance doctors must have to remain in the medical field – in many cases driving them out of practice entirely. In addition, fearing possible malpractice claims, some doctors often perform what is known as “defensive medicine,” which could mean keeping a patient in the hospital for a stay longer than fully necessary or calling for additional tests and procedures in order to avoid charges that sufficient care was not provided. These factors contribute to the increasing costs of medical care for everyone. Read more about why Deeds is wrong on medical issues. Cuccinelli Schools Shannon in WTOP Radio Debate