Sunday, February 28, 2010
Quote of the Day
Coal: A Reliable and Inexpensive Energy Source
Saturday Statistic: Just “2 percent of employment in the central Appalachian region”Saturday, February 27, 2010Blue Virginia BlogFrom this morning’s Washington Post comes a factual response to those who claim, against all evidence to the contrary, that the highly mechanized form of coal extraction known as “mountaintop removal” is a major employer in Appalachia (or anywhere else). As Justin Maxson, president of the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, explains, it’s not.Go to to continue reading.just-2-percent-of.html
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Quote of the Day
The United States Supreme Court said, “The opening of sessions of legislative and other deliberative public bodies with prayer is deeply embedded in the history and tradition of this country. From colonial times through the founding of the Republic and ever since, the practice of legislative prayer has coexisted with the principles of disestablishment and religious freedom.”
The first act of the first Congress was to bring in a minister to pray and read four chapters out of the Bible. Since the election of the Chaplain of the House in 1789, each day's proceedings have opened with a prayer by a chaplain. You can read the prayer of the day on the chaplain’s website here:
I will continue to affirm our nation’s spiritual history and our Judeo-Christian roots and protect our right to pray. If you wish to read more about my work on this issue or about the Prayer Caucus, please visit my Web site."
Congressman J. Randy Forbes
Friday, February 26, 2010
Quote of the Day
Liberty Counsel
What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?
Rangel throws his staff under the bus
Sunday: Congressman Eric Cantor on NBC
To find out when the show will air in your area,
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Obamacare's Silly Summit
President Obama and congressional leaders of both political parties met today at the Blair House, across from the White House, to debate healthcare reform ideas. It didn’t take long for President Obama to launch into a campaign speech, berating his critics and suggesting that the problem is conservative opposition. Let me make this point again: Obama’s “problem” is the American people and some in his own party who have rejected his socialist scheme.
The only reason ObamaCare is not already a reality is because Democrats could not agree. They have historic majorities in the House and Senate, and a president willing to sign almost anything they give him. But the reason congressional Democrats could not reach a consensus is that they know the American people don’t want what they are offering. Here’s proof.
Yesterday, CNN released the results of a new poll on healthcare reform. While some specific reforms are popular, this socialized Big Government takeover is not. When asked what Congress should do now, only 25% of those polled said Congress should pass a similar bill; 48% said scrap it and start over; and 25% said drop it and move on. That means the approach favored by Barack Obama and congressional Democrats has the support of just 25% of the American people, while 73% oppose what they are doing.
While there have been some good points at today’s summit, I think the best point was made before the summit by a man who isn’t there. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) said that our biggest problem today isn’t healthcare, but the fact that we already have a government we can’t afford. Barack Obama wants to make it even bigger with another trillion-dollar entitlement program run by the very folks who have bankrupted the Post Office, Social Security and Medicare. That is a point that almost every American understands. In fact, it has spawned a new political and cultural movement. (More on that in the next item.)
I’ve been watching the healthcare summit all day. (It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.) I know that conservatives were divided on whether it was a good idea for the GOP even to attend for fear that Obama would dominate the event. But my sense is that this has not been a good event for the president. He has alternated between looking angry, arrogant and bored.
Republican participants have been persistent in getting their main points across. Yes, the meeting was a “set-up.” Yes, the Democrats will try to ram their scheme through Congress in the days ahead. But we will fight back and the GOP did that well today. And, of course, there is the most important meeting coming up – on November 2nd – when we will all meet at the polls.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Scrap Obamacare!
The Obama Health Care Summit
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, (R-AZ)Senate Republican Conference Chairman Lamar Alexander, (R-TN)Ranking Member Senate Finance Committee Chuck Grassley, (R-IA)Ranking Member Senate HELP Committee Mike Enzi, (R-WY),HELP Committee Member Tom Coburn, M.D., (R-OK)Sen. John Barrasso, M.D., (R-WY)
Democrats Demean Black Conservatives
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Obama's Folly
- It will cost approximately $1 trillion, but no one knows its real cost. The Congressional Budget Office stated that while the plan includes much of what the House and Senate have proposed, “it modifies many of those elements and also includes new ones.” But the White House draft was too vague to provide an official cost estimate.Think about that for a moment. The president recently used his executive authority to create a new commission to tackle the federal debt. It is widely expected that this commission will propose major tax hikes along with entitlement reform. But at the same time, President Obama is proposing yet another trillion-dollar entitlement program. He insists his healthcare plan won’t add to the deficit. If that’s true, that means he’s taxing one trillion dollars out of the economy, in addition to whatever the debt commission might recommend. How much sense does it make to pile on to the federal government’s already out-of-control entitlement obligations?
- One of the ways Obama purports to pay for his plan is by raising the Medicare payroll tax and applying it to so-called “unearned” income. So if you’re a senior citizen living off investment income, dividends or other savings (which have already been reduced by low interest rates), Barack Obama wants to hit you with another tax that is expected to raise at least $120 billion.
- Remember the “Cornhusker kickback” that Senator Ben Nelson (D) got to help his state of Nebraska offset increased costs? Well, it’s still there, but Obama expands it to every state. In other words, every senator is being offered a bribe in order to expand the government’s role in your life.
- The individual insurance mandate, which many senators and legal experts believe is unconstitutional, is part of Obama’s plan. If the government can compel you to buy health insurance, what else can it force you to do or not do? As George Will recently argued, “Would it be constitutional for the government to legislate compulsory calisthenics for all Americans?” That may seem like a laughable suggestion, but the Japanese government is measuring waistlines.
- In his proposal, Obama more than doubled the penalty on employers who do not provide health insurance – raising the fine from $750 per employee to $2,000.
- A new element of the president’s plan is price controls – giving the government the authority to set insurance rates – meaning more Big Government control and manipulation of industry. The problem with price controls is that they never work and lead to rationingand shortages.
- The president’s plan not only makes abortion a taxpayer-funded healthcare right, but it expands the tax dollars available to pay for the destruction of innocent life. According to Douglas Johnson, legislative director of National Right to Life, “If all of the president’s changes were made, the resulting legislation would allow direct federal funding of abortion on demand through Community Health Centers, would institute federal subsidies for private health plans that cover abortion on demand (including some federally administered plans), and would authorize federal mandates that would even require non-subsidized private plans to cover elective abortion.”The American people overwhelmingly oppose the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortions, but Obama demanded it. In doing so, he completely ignored the concerns of Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and dozens of pro-life members of Congress who supported the Stupak amendment.
Quote of the Day
Monday, February 22, 2010
Feb 25th Thursday in DC then VA
March 6th: Time to Dance
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Feb. 27th: Don't miss this Incredible Opportunity!
Must see video: The Navy Competes
GO NAVY!Our US Navy Ceremonial Guard Silent Drill Teamwas invited to compete in an International Tattooin Norway in May of 2009. The Navy competedagainst military units from all over NATO andwon first place. I think when you watch thisvideo you'll see why they won. (Sound on)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Quote of the Day
Put Your John Hancock on the Mt. Vernon Statement
** What does the Mount Vernon Statement have to do with your civics IQ? Take a minute to watch the latest Perkins-on-Point video and find out. When you're finished, click over to the FRC website to put your name alongside the thousands of other Americans who want to recommit themselves to the Founders' ideals. **