Thursday, March 17, 2016

FRC Commends House Vote on Genocide designation for ISIS Atrocities

March 14, 2016

WASHINGTON, D.C.Tonight, the House of Representatives voted on U.S. Rep. Fortenberry's (R-Nebr.) efforts to characterize ISIS' violence against Christians and others as genocide. ISIS has targeted religious minorities including Christians, Yezidis and many others.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins commented:

"I commend the House for unanimously voting to declare ISIS' atrocities against Christians and others as genocide. While condemning and stopping ISIS' bloody rampage against Christians and other religious minorities is a priority for the House of Representatives and most of the Western world, including the European Parliament, it has unfortunately not been a priority for the Obama administration.

"President Obama keeps talking about 'rising above ideology and partisanship.' Maybe it's time he took his own advice. More than 200 Democrats and Republicans cosponsored this House resolution addressing an issue it shouldn't have to: the genocide in the Middle East. If the Obama administration were as 'appalled,' 'horrified,' and 'concerned' about the annihilation of Christians as the White House says it is, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-Nebr.) wouldn't have had to take the unusual step of addressing the crisis before the president does so.

"America has lost its chance to take the lead against ISIS. But regardless of the timing, our national security, vital interests, and essential values demand that we act. While the word 'genocide' alone won't stop the suffering, it will certainly go a long way to sparking a series of mostly non-military actions that can bring help and hope to our Christian brothers and sisters who are suffering for nothing more than being identified as followers of Jesus Christ.

"Every day that goes by without America's help is a lost opportunity.

"Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in ISIS territory. And pray for our nation, which should always be leading on religious liberty -- not following," concluded Perkins.