Thursday, August 6, 2020

A Status Checklist: Where Does The United States Stand In The Great Scheme Of Things?

By Kim Smith


Most of us are familiar with George Orwell's classic book, 1984, which depicts life in a totalitarian world.  It's been on the best-seller list for well over a year.  There now seems to be a new (not-so-new) book re-emerging into both the print media and social media – "The Naked Communist – 45 goals to destroy the United States of America", written by Cleon Skousen in 1963 and republished in 2017.


The first exposure was from Facebook where a woman listed the major points on a YouTube video.  While not a complete list, it gives us a good basis by which to judge how far down the slippery slope the United States has gone.


Each of us undoubtedly has our own perspectives, so you can be your own judge of our status.


Goals or a How To

1.      One World Government (see U.N. and certain moneyed folk)

2.     No loyalty oaths (see Pledge of Allegiance)

3.     Capture one or both political parties (see Dems?)

4.     Use courts (see legislating from the bench; using violation of civil rights)

5.     Control of schools (see curriculum)

6.     Riots

7.     The Press (print, radio, TV, films, social media, student newspapers, plus infiltrate to control content)

8.     Discredit the American culture

9.     Remove sculptures and other reflections of US culture

10.  Discredit the Constitution

11.  Discredit the Founding Fathers

12.  Eliminate prayer

13.  Infiltrate the Church

14.  Breakdown the Declaration

15.  Eliminate all laws regarding obscenity

16.  Degrade all forms of artistic expression and control art critics and museums

17.   Discourage the teaching of American history

18.  Support central government control – education, social agencies, welfare, mental health, healthcare, etc.

19.  Discredit the FBI

20.  Gain control of Big Business

21.  Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies (sound familiar?)

22.  Dominate the psychiatric profession

23.  Discredit the family as an institution

24.  Encourage the State rearing of children

25.  Create acceptance of violence and insurrection as legitimate aspects of America

26.  Give World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems

27.  Be willing to "capitulate" to avoid "atomic" war

28.  Free trade with any country, regardless of its human rights, its governmental structure

29.  Provide aid to all nations

30.  Total disarmament and weakening of the military


Again, this is only a partial list, but viewed in today's context, we should consider ourselves as being forewarned (not early enough) and forearmed.