By Kim Smith
Portland, Oregon, as of July 26th, was "enjoying" its 60th day of "protests" in the name of Black Lives Matter. Of course, it wasn't alone – having been joined by at least Seattle and Richmond, Virginia. Rioting, looting, arson, shooting and general destruction of private and public property were somehow – over the long-haul – meant to draw attention to inequities in our system of government. Blinding lasers, paint, rocks, broken bottles, molotov cocktails, and other weapons were "gifts" to the police, justified by the need to "Defund the Police". Chicago undoubtedly had its usual number of killings, and with the leadership in New York, heaven only knows what went on. And they're not alone by a long shot.
What does this all have to do with correcting real and perceived injustices and inequities to people of color? Andy Ngo, a reporter who was seriously assaulted not that long ago, noted Antifa's presence there, commenting:
"And that's what people need to know about Antifa. They don't make demands because that means working within "the system". Their unambiguous goal is to destroy all American institutions and then the country itself. Then they spray-paint or shout, "Burn it down", they really mean it.
The Antifa ideology propagated in extremist zines, booklets and Web sites say the US is so fundamentally wicked that no amount of reform can fix it – it must be abolished. They see law enforcement and military as the bulwark between them and their goal.
The daily riots function to drain the city [and others] of resources and to weaken the morale of law enforcement and public officials. It's working.
Then, too, the head of Black Lives Matter admits they've been trained in Marxism. The leader of New York states without equivocation that if they don't get "what they want", they will burn it (America) down.
A black resident of Portland, living a block from the riots, thought he could have a conversation with the rioters (after the fact, in broad daylight, but they were still there). An 8-year veteran of the Marines, he loves his country and doesn't like seeing it torn apart. He brought his American flags to the "conversation", with the expectation that even the "antifa types" were just punks with "righteous anger". Nope. He found they used the same tactics as the terrorists overseas – spotters with cameras, thugs with baseball bats. He also found that 90% "don't look like me" and that "99% of the people don't even live in Portland".
And the President of the Portland branch of the N.A.A.C.P. called the 'protests' "largely a white spectacle" caused by members of Antifa and other left-wing activists who "are co-opting and distracting attention" from Black Lives Matter.
The following picture, sent by one of our members (thanks, Ginny), really puts the question mark on the issue of the true intent of what is called "Black Lives Matter".
When are the real conversations going to take place? And when is real leadership in government, other than by the President, going to be shown?