Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Congressman Bob Good - Saying NO to the Left’s Reckless Spending Spree

Dec. 24, 2022

In their final hours in the majority in a lame duck Congress, Democrats frantically passed an earmark-loaded 4,100-page "omnibus" spending bill to implement more of their radical leftist agenda using your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. The omnibus bill drains over $1.7 Trillion from American wallets, with $15 billion funding 7,200 pet projects known as "earmarks".

Those earmarks include $4 million for "soy-enabled rural road reconstruction", $3.6 million for the Michelle Obama Trail, $3.5 million for a Congressional Office of Diversity & Inclusion, $3 million for an LGBTQ+ museum, $3 million for bee-friendly highways, $1.5 million for the COVID-19 American History Project, and a building named after Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

In typical Democrat fashion, the Schumer-Pelosi regime waited until the end-of-the-year to drop this massive spending bill, giving us little to NO time to read the budget-busting legislation. Instead of securing our Southern Border, ending unconstitutional vaccine mandates, or restoring the successful Trump energy policies, this reckless package furthers the Radical Left's agenda on the backs of hardworking Americans. No Republican should have voted in favor of this bill that will add $1.9 trillion to the national debt, and surrender House Republicans' budgetary leverage in the New Year.

This bill is a bad backroom deal that is a Christmas present to the special interests in Washington. Rather than fighting for the voters who elected them to office, some weak and compromised Republicans chose to help pass this terrible bill filled with Biden-Schumer-Pelosi priorities.

I reject this gross misuse of power and taxpayer dollars. Americans deserve better than politicians who promise one thing and deliver another. This week I joined Congressman Chip Roy of Texas and 31 of my House Republican colleagues and pledged to oppose any future bills sent to the House from any Republican Senator who supported the passage of this bill.  

As we look towards the swearing in of the new Congress on January 3rd, it is clear that we need new strong House leadership to fight on behalf of the American people.