Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Fwd: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Senator Chase Will Present 2 Bills to Reverse Gun Control Passed in 2020

January 22, 2022

It's Time to Reverse the
2020 Virginia Gun Grab

SB1488 Reverse Unconstitutional "Red Flag" Laws
SB805 Reverse Locality Control of Gun Free Zones

Senator Chase will present both SB1488 to Reverse Unconstitutional "Red Flag" Laws and SB805 to Reverse Locality Control of Gun Free Zones before the Senate Judiciary Committee . Both bills seek to reverse the Gun Grab that took place in 2020.

CHESTERFIELD, VA. Virginia Senator Amanda Chase will present both SB1488 to Reverse Unconstitutional "Red Flag" Laws and SB805 to Reverse Locality Control of Gun Free Zones before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Both bills seek to reverse the Gun Grab that took place in 2020.

SB1488 is a Chase sponsored bill to Reverse Unconstitutional "Red Flag" Laws which fail to recognize that the government should NOT seize weapons from people who haven't been convicted of a crime.

"Even the New York State Supreme Court agrees. Red Flag laws are unconstitutional. They allow the government to take away your guns without any due process. This is unamerican. Red flag laws allow individuals who are not medically trained to deny an individual their basic fundamental right to protect themselves despite the fact that they are not trained medical professionals and the person hasn't committed a crime," stated Senator Amanda Chase.

The State Supreme Court judge in Rochester, New York ruled this past December that Red Flag laws are unconstitutional.

El Paso County's local district attorney Michael Allen said "red flag laws" are not only unconstitutional, "they are a poor excuse to take people's guns and not designed in any way to address real mental health concerns."

SB805 is a Chase sponsored bill to reverse a law that was passed in 2020 by the Democrat controlled General Assembly, which allows a locality to create gun free zones. Gun free zones disarm law abiding citizens who can no longer legally protect themselves. Gun free zones empower criminals and increase gun violence as criminals take advantage of disarmed law abiding citizens. Gun free zones increase the risk of guns being stolen from vehicles when conceal carry holders are forced to disarm to enter an event.

"Over the past nearly two years, we have seen a troubling trend take place with Democrat controlled legislatures and localities across Virginia misuse their authority to override both the U.S. Constitution and the Virginia Constitution which both state "the people have the right of to keep and bear Arms, and that right shall not be infringed."

The U.S. Constitution clearly states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Virginia Constitution in Article I of the Bill of Rights in Section 13 states,
"That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power."

"It's time to honor the U.S. Constitution and strike these unconstitutional laws that are mischievous at best, allowing individuals to take away another individual's rights based on speculation and hearsay," stated Senator Chase.

Virginia Senator Amanda Chase will present both SB1488 to Reverse Unconstitutional "Red Flag" Laws and SB805 to Reverse Locality Control of Gun Free Zones to the Senate Judiciary Committee, which meets Mondays at 8am in the Pocahontas Building in Senate Room A, and Wednesdays in the Capitol, 30 minutes after session.

The bills will most likely be heard this coming Wednesday or next Monday. Please reach out to the Senators who serve on the Judiciary Committee and ask them to please reverse the gun grab of 2020.

Public comments can be made in person or online at:

 Authorized and Paid for by Friends of Amanda Chase