Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Trans Supremacy Agenda

Jan. 17, 2023

By Gary Bauer

The Miss Universe competition is one contest many Americans won't be watching much longer. The new owner of the organization that runs the competition declared, "From now on it's going to be run by women, owned by a trans woman for all women around the world to celebrate the power of feminism!" 

Meanwhile, the U.S. military is reeling from a massive recruiting failure.  But it has found time to distribute a manual instructing officers on how to handle the inevitable issues that will arise from transgender soldiers serving in the military. 

So, when female troops complain that they are showering with biological men, their officers are essentially instructed to shut them up. And when a "trans man" reports that "he is pregnant," the officer is supposed to treat the pregnancy like any other pregnancy. 

Last year, the YMCA made news when it banned an 80 year-old woman in Washington State who complained about a man changing in the women's locker room in front of little children. Well, the organization continues to kneel at the altar of radical transgender insanity. 

A 17 year-old girl in southern California objected when a fully biological man came into the YMCA showers with her and other girls. The teenage girl naturally objected to the staff, but later said, "I was made to feel as though I had done something wrong when I talked to people at the YMCA."


The San Diego County YMCA issued a statement saying, "We rely on subject matter experts, laws, and guidelines established by the State of California to ensure our policies are welcoming and respectful for all community members."

But these policies clearly are not "welcoming and respectful" to girls and women who have any normal expectations of privacy!

That brings me to the most important point that must be at the center of this debate – the trans supremacy agenda is harming biological women. That's what every politician who is asked to address the issue must say. 

The trans movement violates female privacy.  On the sports field it steals honors from female athletes. It physically hurts and disables female athletes. 

So-called "transgendered women" are demanding to get away with things that would send any heterosexual man to jail.