Monday, June 5, 2023

Health Freedom Bill of Rights


By Sheila M Furey, MD

The sovereignty of our nation, our freedom and the sanctity of life is in the balance if the World Health Organization and United Nations take control of our healthcare system.

This is a critical issue. If the WHO takes control of the healthcare system, evil bureaucratic elites will determine who does and does not get treatment. General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, also known as a leader in the genocide that took place in his home country of Ethiopia, will determine whether or not you or your parents or family receive health care. Too old, no treatment. Mentally ill, no treatment. Handicapped, no treatment. Non-compliant, no treatment.

The Children's Health Defense announced their campaign today.

"The  World  Health  Organization  (WHO)  AND   the
United Nations (U.N.) are in the midst of attempting unprecedented global takeovers of public health that will change our future if we do not join together and stop them.

Right now, the WHO is amending the International Health Regulations (IHR) and drafting a "Pandemic Treaty," aka WHO CA+. These documents create the legal framework for the WHO to declare public health emergencies at will and then manage global public health in response.

It also gives the WHO authority over pandemic preparedness, which includes extensive surveillance of people and animals to identify outbreaks early and allows the WHO to act as the single authority for infectious disease mitigation, prevention and treatment protocols for anything they deem a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

In other words, the WHO would become "the world's doctor, medical czar," control the public health narrative and censor opposing viewpoints.

Simultaneous actions by the U.N. are underway, with it recently announcing it is seeking the power to manage global emergencies.

Join us in resisting this global pandemic response by signing the Health Freedom Bill of Rights below. Sign to let the WHO and the U.N. know that we are paying attention and will not comply with this consolidation of power at the hands of global unelected leaders."

Again, share this with your family and friends. We have the power to stand and allow our voices to be heard. To remain silent is to consent to the loss of our freedom. To remain silent is to consent to the murder of our neighbors. To remains silent is accept that we have no options, no power, no voice.

Join the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance and volunteer to help us grow to save lives in Virginia. Join the Children's Health Defense as we work together to stop the tyranny of the World Health Organization.